Day 25 of the Omer - Shabbat at last

Netzach in Netzach - the long view from the self focused perspective in itself.

The simplest way to perpetuate life is through self-preservation. As this Shabbat evening continues the Boston crisis concludes with more life preserved, with great appreciation.

In these moments of relief may we focus on celebrating life and the miraculous ways by which it finds a way.

Wishing all meaningful days of counting to come and a Sabbath of true rest, peace, and even joy.


Day 24 of the Omer - self in communal balance

Tiferet in Netzach - balanced harmony in the enduring single self.

Thinking of our single self at the close of a week when we confront again and again our communal needs to come together - not so easy.

To find the balance between our own needs and those of our community requires a sense of the ideal harmony we aim and strive for.

As this week closes we take a breath and try to find our own place in the balance between all things, all while working to raise our eyes to the image of a better future.

Breathing, counting, coping - all the best everyone.

Wounded witness becomes key in finding bombers.​

Wounded witness becomes key in finding bombers.​

Day 23 of the Omer - strength for the long haul

Gevurah in Netzach - rigorous strength in the long-term self.

Only by applying ourselves strategically can that strength last far into the future.

Starting with the long view we may also take into account how much discipline we might need, and work on apportioning it appropriately.

Looking far down the road let's keep in mind the strength it takes to go the distance.

Wishing you good counting on Day 23!

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Day 22 of the Omer - Self through compassion

Chesed in Netzach - compassionate kindness in eternity of the self.

We can try to see the universe as centered on ourselves, we could be the pivot of all existence - this is the essence of Netzach, eternal victory.

Today, this week, it takes only a little sympathy and compassion to overwhelm all other sentiments as we grapple with tragedy in Boston.

So, Netzach will have to wait a little longer as we focus on coping and kindness. Or, we can see the greatest impact of our selves right now in the extension of care and support to those most in need at a trying time.

I contribute some of my self to Boston today.


Day 21 of the Omer - Counting is different today

Malchut in Tiferet - the active presence of meaning realized in balanced beauty.​

On this day, conceiving of balanced beauty escapes me.​

I am stuck in the world of action and tragedy. Tonight, this ex-pat recovering New Yorker is a Bostonian. My heart is broken and all of its pieces are at the finish line.​

May all of have lost loved ones be comforted among the mourners of Zion.​

May there be healing for all those harmed, and may it come soon.​

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Day 20 of the Omer - Foundation in Balance

Yesod in Tiferet - solid foundation in balanced beauty.

A day focused on the centers of balance - Tiferet a harmonization of higher thoughts and emotions, and Yesod a balance between more concrete actions and feelings - these are two foci in the Kabbalistic tree.

To find that concrete foundation within abstract balance requires great inspiration, great patience, or both!

On this 20th day of the Omer let us notice these fine points of intersection when we witness them, or when we participate in their creation. So noticing, we might be able to incorporate their harmonies ourselves, or even use them as a model for our own projects and practices.

A balanced Monday to all!

Day 19 of the Omer - Awe leads to balance

Hod in Tiferet - the grace of smallness in balanced beauty.​

Humility and grace remind us of the importance of every detail in anything balanced. A beautiful image may be as much about composition, the broad strokes, as it is about every pixel being smoothed to perfection - small details make a big difference.​

In a world filled with seekers of credit, we can find great satisfaction in making a contribution that gets taught by others. We can stand in awe and gratitude for merely being present to witness a beautiful moment.​

Our own awe leads us to find more balance.​

May every day of the Omer allow us to count small moments of harmony.​

Day 18 of the Omer - Making Beauty Last

Netzach in Tiferet - ​the eternal self in balanced beauty.

Contributing something of our selves that lasts to a beautiful idea may only require us to make a small and careful effort.​

Beautiful moments that endure, articulations that resonate, art that influences far beyond the artist - these require us to very carefully, and humbly, participate.​

Have faith in the endurance of something well-thought out, and let our good efforts make their impact on their own. When we see ourselves as contributing to something larger, we can allow ourselves the satisfaction in taking part.​

May each of our counted Omer contribute to our better wholes.​

Day 17 of the Omer - balance and beauty

Tiferet in Tiferet - balanced beauty and harmonized resolution in itself.

Starting out on a project means from the very beginning holding the balanced whole in mind.

We often begin with fanciful notions and attachments to the flights of fancy of our dreams. These inspirations can be embraced and encouraged even as we ground ourselves with other values.

Dream big, aim for beauty, and see the beauty as emerging from many sources woven together. Even an individual project embodies different important influences brought together to create a balanced whole.

Breathe inspiration in, think of beauty, and pursue it with balance.

Beautiful counting everyone!

Day 16 of the Omer - Restraint builds beauty

Gevurah in Tiferet - rigor and strength in beauty and balance.

While beauty is often imagined as fragile I think contemporary culture often identifies images of strength with attractiveness.

The beauty of Tiferet is a resolution of different influences into a balanced harmony - applying strength to such an equation may require great restraint.

So, my intention for this day of the Omer is to see restraint as an expression of inner rigor and strength - to hold ourselves back may be our best contribution to harmony in a given moment.

Let us see our strength in restraint as one of our offerings to a beautiful whole.

Enjoy Day 16!

Day 15 of the Omer - See Beauty

Chesed in Tiferet - loving kindness and mercy in the perfection of beauty and balance.

Perfection and balance are seldom seen as the outcomes of kindness - discipline and rigor definitely, mercy comes less to mind.

So let us find the forgiveness and ease in ourselves that allows us to see beauty. Perfection results from perception as well as devotion.

In our aim to achieve beauty, let us also open ourselves to finding it.

Find beauty in the Counting!​

Day 14 of the Omer - Strength in patience

Malchut in Gevurah - sovereignty, the manifestation, in strength.​

How do we complete a strong action, make it real?​

Acting strongly, moving with strength that is effective and real, requires just as much thought as any other type of effective action. To make strength real, we must invest ourselves in becoming strong, and using our strength wisely.​

On this day of the Omer I will bide my time, and gather my strength. Sometimes, the best and most rigorous action may be acting with patience and deliberation.​

Wishing all of you strength as we complete two weeks of the Omer.​

Day 13 of the Omer

Yesod in Gevurah - a balanced foundation in strength and rigor.

We project strength only when we start with balance. We extend ourselves well when firmly supported in our roots and our steadiness.

This works physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually, and among these four areas as well. Build our strength by starting with balanced building blocks of well-thought out ideas and thoroughly explored emotions, with carefully considered stepping stones and reflected upon insights.

From strong centers we can reach out givingly, reach inwards deeply, and craft connected and more whole selves that continually contribute to the world.

We have almost finished building our second week of the Omer. Enjoy the week to come!

Day 12 of the Omer

Hod in Gevurah - awe in our smallness, in power and rigor.

To recognize humbly the power that we wield often unknowingly brings greater wisdom to our actions. A small lack of consideration may have massive unknown negative impacts, and a small exercise of effort may make a difference far beyond our energy applied.

We can be easily humbled when we take note of the dramatic effect of a kindness offered to a stranger, or the outpouring of gratitude when we visit someone ailing or in need.

Adding a sense of awe to our own effect deepens our thoughts and actions.

Happy and thoughtful continued Omer Counting to all!

Day 11 of the Omer

Netzach in Gevurah - enduring ego and victory in strength.

This seems like a simple idea - strength endures, no problem!

Still, how can we inject a long view, a germ of the self that will persist, into the application of rigor and force?

Netzach, while focused on the self, steers us toward strategic views that take our lives down a road long past our lifetimes. To use strength with that in mind takes thought and forethought - ripples must be projected, endurances accounted for.

Add planning when we use force - more efficient perhaps, more careful for sure.

Happy counting everyone! One third of the way to LaG b'Omer - the 33rd of the Omer when I can shave again!

Day 10 of the Omer

Tiferet in Gevurah - harmonious balance in strength and rigor.

Using strength required a balanced understanding of how best to apply it. Grip too hard on a hammer and our strike will not be as powerful or accurate. So the strength in our hands must be guided by a sense of balance and a broader view, an aesthetic and functionality that sees power and rigidity as an important aspect of a more complete whole.

When we see our strengths as woven together subtly we may craft something beautiful.

Enjoy the Omer as we head into the teens!

Day 8 of the Omer

Chesed in Gevurah - kindness in power and rigor.

This ranks high on the list of difficult personal lessons, when to be kind to ourselves as we hold to our high personal standards.

Most of us judge ourselves so harshly, push internally so hard. Our psyches deserve our compassion as well - assert self-rigor with self-care.

Happy definite end to Passover for all and happy Omer counting!

Day 7 of the Omer

The Seventh Day of the Omer makes one week, and completes our first cycle through the first of the sefirot, Chesed, loving kindness and compassion.

The seventh spot is Malchut, literally translated as Sovereignty, the exercise of will on reality. When thinking of the divine this can be the application of the infinite in creation, when thinking of us, it can be the completion of a balanced and well thought out action, as well as the accurate assessment of our current situation.

In order to exercise our compassion, we must see the needs around us, evaluate them realistically, and then meet them with a balanced approach based on all our other values.

See needs, and respond with balance, in order to complete a kindness.

Happy ending of Passover and happy counting!

Day 6 of the Omer

Yesod in Chesed - the bridge, or lens, or foundation, in compassion.

Yesod is where we start, a firm footing for our first step into exploring deeper meaning in our lives. It is the bridge to broad horizons from which we can see destinations and ideals.

In attempting to achieve kindness we must have a foot set on something solid as we extend our hand in assistance. Let us find our footing as the first part of reaching out to help.

Knowing something of our destination eases any journey, and traveling towards compassion still asks us to move in the direction of another.

Firm footing on all our journeys and countings!