Day 49 of the Omer - time to do

Malchut in Malchut - the fullness of well-considered meaningful presence and realization in itself.

This is it. Plans have been laid, preparations have been made, we stand in front of our next big motion.

For the Israelites in our story, the mountain and revelation and eventually the holy land lay before them.

What is imminently in front of us? How can we bring all that we have learned and reflected on into the next moment?

Breathe, think, feel, balance, act.

May we all create and find and celebrate as we go forward.

Happy Shavuot tomorrow night everyone!

Day 43 of the Omer - kind actions

Chesed in Malchut - kindness and mercy in the dwelling presence of the universe.

We want to act, to make a difference. Let us find compassion for our acting - when we act not as well as we would like we can opt to forgive. When we do not act at all let us avoid blame and doubt.

Be kind and then do with kindness.

The last week of the Omer has begun!

Day 14 of the Omer - Strength in patience

Malchut in Gevurah - sovereignty, the manifestation, in strength.​

How do we complete a strong action, make it real?​

Acting strongly, moving with strength that is effective and real, requires just as much thought as any other type of effective action. To make strength real, we must invest ourselves in becoming strong, and using our strength wisely.​

On this day of the Omer I will bide my time, and gather my strength. Sometimes, the best and most rigorous action may be acting with patience and deliberation.​

Wishing all of you strength as we complete two weeks of the Omer.​