Two weeks of runs - getting faster

I reached a great milestone this week, ran 7 miles averaging less than 8 minutes per mile. Still walking 30 seconds per mile on distance and tempo runs, and those walks are in the times. Here are all the runs and their logs...​

April 20 - 7 miles at an 8:08/mile average - had a good run and beat the goal, averaging 8:03/mile according to Nike+'s record here.​

April 22 - intervals - four 3/4 miles at 5:13 each, with 1/4 miles resting between them. On intervals, I run 2 miles to warm up, and around 1 mile as a cool down. I managed to keep the pace close to the goal on the first two intervals and dropped 20 and 30 seconds on the uphill segments. Full details here.​

April 25 - Tempo run - 3 miles at 7:38/mile average - plus 1 mile warm up and 1 mile cool down. Almost did this - the splits on the three miles were: 7:18, 7:40, 8:03. So I did come pretty close! See the whole run here.​

April 28 - 7 miles at an 8:08/mile average - and here was where I went under 8 minutes per mile on average, actually averaging 7:57/mile! See it all here.​

May 1 - Intervals - 5 kilometer intervals aiming for 4:18/kilometer with quarter mile rests between them.​ I struggled with these, came close on 3, and dropped 20+ seconds on two. Not much to look at here, since the walks slow down the overall pace a lot!

Mourning Boston & Texas - Moving towards goals

​Keep on running Boston - comfort and strength to Massachusetts and Texas during this terrible week.

Over a week of runs, so four to report on, now that I am getting into the schedule towards my next race, the Zombie Run in Charlotte, on Sunday, May 19 - please join me and register with our Temple Beth El team - Run for your life, save the world here!

Here are the "rundowns" (pun intended :-D):​

Wednesday, April ​10 - Goal: 4 miles averaging 7:53/mile.
On this Tempo run I gained 20 seconds on the first two miles after the warm-up mile, giving me some room to slow a bit on the second two uphill miles, where I lost 32 seconds. So on the miles that counted I averaged 7:56/mile, which is pretty close. Run details here.

​Saturday, April 13 - Goal: 8 miles averaging 8:08/mile.
On my first really hot and humid run of the season, in the middle of a crazy day, I managed a good pace for the first 5 miles and then dropped like a stone for the last three - really glad I got out though! Run details here.

Monday, April 15 - Goal: 6 half miles at 3:25 each, with 90 second rest intervals.
I came pretty close to the 3:25 time, within 2-3 seconds, on 4 out of 6 of these - the uphill ones were brutal. On interval runs I do between 1.5 to 2 miles of warm-up and at least 1 mile cool down. Run details here.

Today, Thursday, April 18 - Goal: 2 miles at 7:43/mile, 1 mile easy, 2 miles at 7:43/mile.
I took it easy on the warm up mile and was able to push through, without any of my mid-mile walks on both 2 mile segments today. On the first 2 mile segment I averaged 7:40/mile, and on the second 7:45/mile with the uphill parts too, so I feel pretty good. Run details here.

I have dropped to using only Brooks Pure Cadence shoes - the NB Minimus seem to hurt my right calf.​

NYC City Hall Flies Boston Flag.jpg

Runs across the land

In the last week, after a Passover break from running, I managed to run my best mile ever during intervals on Monday, April 1, struggle with the uphill half of a run in Palm Desert on Wednesday, and have a great meet my goal 6 miler today upon returning home. Here are the runs, and their goals...​

Monday - Intervals with 1/4 mile breathers in between: 1 mile at 7:06, did it in 6:39!; 3/4 mile at 5:13, came pretty close; 1/2 mile in 3:25, I petered out here on the hill; and 1/4 mile in 1:40, which I also managed pretty well. Run map and splits here.​

Wednesday - Tempo Run in Palm Desert - Warm up mile, 1 mile at 7:38, easy mile, 1 mile at 7:38, easy mile, 1 mile at 7:38, cool down mile. 7:23 and 7:30 on those first miles which were downhill and relatively flat, respectively. I died on the last mile, going back uphill, ending up at 8:53. Run map and splits here.

​Today, Sunday - "long" run - 6 miles averaging 8:08/mile. Felt mostly good, and carried a good average all the way through, including on the hills. Ended with an 8:05/mile average, and I am happy with that! Run map and splits here. This run includes the Galloway recommended 30 seconds walking per mile as well, with the exception of the last break after mile 6 which I just ran through.

New Name Same Mission

Shabbat Shalom everyone!​

After a small hiatus in posting I am back, with a renamed blog to better suit what I am doing now, so welcome to "Run Rabbi Run"!​

Almost a week ago I finished the Tobacco Road Half Marathon in 1:46 - here are the official results: Tobacco Road Half for me :-)

​My next goal is the Zombie Run, a 5k, on Sunday, May 19, 2013, at 12:30pm in Freedom Park here in Charlotte. It's only 5k (3.1 miles) and you're chased by zombies - register now and help TBE's Mitzvah Day Projects - team registration link. Run for your life save the world!

​This week I began the training program for a 5k from Run Less Run Faster. Going a little slower than recommended since I don't have the full 12 weeks between the half marathon and the 5k in May - here are those runs:
Tempo run on Wednesday - aiming for 4 miles at 7:53/mile between a mile for warming up and a mile to cool down. I came pretty close to the target time.
Long-ish run today - aiming for 6 miles at an 8:08/mile average, and ended up closer to 8:16.

More to come - follow me on Twitter or friend me in Facebook to keep up!​

A tempo run at up tempo

Got out in the damp today and ran pretty fast. A tempo run:
- 1 mile easy
- 5 miles fast - I managed to get my average for these under 8 minutes per mile
- 1 mile easy
Still walking 30 seconds after every mile and that is factored into the pace.
Here are details and splits.
Now two days off - hopefully with a massage, a swim, and some yoga, and then 14 miles on Saturday.

Last two runs - a good tempo and 10 miles faster

Today's run - pretty much my best speed yet. 10 miles averaging 8:05 minutes per mile, here are the details.
Great weather for it, felt good, and managed a pretty fast final mile (7:32).

Thursday's run, decent tempo run too - and more details on that.

On all runs:
- Training for the Tobacco Road Half Marathon on March 17 using the Run Less Run Faster plan.
- Still using New Balance Minimus & Brooks Pure Cadence on alternate runs.
- Unless running other intervals, still using a Galloway method of walking :30 after finishing every mile - all paces include those walks.
- Moved from MapMyFitness to Nike Plus since the former doesn't seem to work well in our region here in Charlotte.

A good week over all - 4 runs, a total of nearly 40 miles.

Long tempo getting faster

Today's assignment - a 6 mile tempo run with a mile warm-up and cool down.
My goal - miles 2-7 of the 8 at 8:30 per mile or faster.
I averaged better than 8:25 on those miles, and only dropped to 8:34 and 8:38 on miles 6 and 7, which are uphill too.
Feels good to run well - here are the details.

Last two runs

So, did a temp run today and slowed down in my second and third splits - I suppose that's what happens when I start going downhill and finish going uphill :-) Keeping my speed pretty good and still walking 30 seconds every mile, except for the last - I felt too good!
Here's the detailed workout.

Also got in my interval training run on Monday - 6 x 800's, with 90 seconds walking between them. I was pretty happy with this run too.

Next run, on Saturday, an easy paced 10 miles.

Dog Bites Rabbi

So, while on my temp run yesterday, more to come about that, I passed a dog owner and his two little Scotties that I see relatively frequently. One of his Scotties, off leash of course, decided to chase me, and took a chomp out of my calf - biting through my running pants and breaking the skin. Doctor says I should be OK :-)

Meanwhile, here's the link to the run.

Goal was 1 warm up mile, 5 miles at an average of 8:30/mile, and 1 cool down mile. Even with the dog bite near the end of mile 2, I did pretty well on the goal. Made it through the uphill mile in 8:41 and was pretty kicked for the final tempo mile. Still walking 30 seconds at the end of each mile and still keeping this pace, so all in all, I feel I am making progress and feeling good.

Chappy Chanukah!