Long run and intervals

Since I last posted I swam a little, did Torah yoga, ran 14 miles in the snow, and managed to do intervals this morning at a pretty fast clip.

Intervals today - 2 mile warm-up, then 3 mile intervals, with 400m slow between them, then a little more than a mile cool down. My mile splits were, around: 7:04, 7:40, 7:50. The first was good, the last two less so :-) Here are all the details.

14 mile run on Saturday, aiming for 8:20 average minute/mile pace, and come close for a while. Started out cold, and then got snowy, which was fun. Ended up with two runs on the Nike app since in the wet I encountered some of my own human error - all told a good run considering the conditions. Here are the links to the incomplete records:
First 9+ miles
Last 4+ miles

More to come this week - a little calf soreness after today's run - I hope it will improve by Wednesday's scheduled tempo run.

An off week and a fast run

Too much to do, and too little time to run!

Back in the swing of things, sort of though.

Here's what I've managed to do in the last week:

Wednesday (1/23/13) - Some tempo running - 1 mile easy, 2 miles faster (aiming for around 8:10 per mile), 1 mile easy, 2 miles faster, 1 mile easy. Slowed down a lot on the uphill miles - details and splits.

Thursday (1/24/13) - Swim - 25 minutes without stopping = 36 lengths = 900 yards.

Friday (1/25/13) - Torah Yoga - I highly recommend it!

Yesterday (1/27/13) - ran 8 miles, and faster! I managed to average 8:14/mile, including 30 seconds of walking at the end of every mile, and only dropped below that average for the big uphill during the seventh mile. Making progress! Here are the details and splits.