Netzach in Gevurah - Omer, Day 11

Netzach, enduring victory of the self, in Gevurah, rigorous structure - building a structure that endures is a great achievement.
What is such a thing?
Strength that endures may best be seen in ideas and not physical things. Enduring concepts may be built out of complex and layered thoughts more than elevator talks and sound bites.
Let's find the strength and fortitude to see, and aim for, the long view.

Netzach in Chesed - Day 4 of the Omer

Netzach means victory, or eternity, and we often define it as the sense of ego that allows us to see ourselves as important - all history has resulted in us and all that is to come may result from us. In Chesed, lovingkindness, Netzach reminds us that all acts of giving require us to believe that we have something worthy to give. We cannot be kind if we don't believe in our own value.

Tiferet in Chesed, Day 3 of the Omer

Tiferet is beauty - an intrinsic resolution, a balanced aesthetic. It seems obvious that there would be balance in Chesed, in lovingkindness - to offer a kindness often brings things into greater harmony. Perhaps then today comes to teach us to aim our kindness informed by beautiful balance. When kindness considers both what we can offer, and what others need, something beautiful may occur.

Eliyahu ha-Navi and NC Amendment One

[Included in Temple Beth El's Seder Supplement - full text here]

“Elijah the prophet” heralds the world to come, a world of peace and justice.

As Jews we embrace the notion that an ideal world, a world worthy of Elijah’s arrival, would be one where all receive equal treatment. Passover calls upon us to envision that ideal place in which all are included. We must ask ourselves as North Carolinians faced with an Amendment restricting marriage between a man and a woman “as the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this state,” whether such restrictions lead us towards our visions of inclusion.

In such a world, we might imagine preserving rights, as opposed to restricting them. We might imagine achieving inner peace that would not depend on the private activities of our neighbors. In the Jewish ideal vision, dissent would be respected, and heard, and we would all allow ourselves the time and space to listen, find common ground, and then work together.

Let us transform our seder tables, and our State, into places where people can disagree with civility. As we make this decision on May 8, let our hopes for a world of justice and fairness guide us in our actions. We may best herald Elijah’s arrival when we create a world of equality and peace, when we embody Elijah’s spirit in the creation of communities steered by fairness.

"We were slaves..." now what?

[From our Temple Beth El Seder Supplement for this year - full supplement here: Beth El Homepage

“We were slaves in Egypt…” and have vowed, as the cornerstone of Jewish ethics, to prevent slavery wherever we find it.

When do we behave like slaves? Certainly one definition of slavery is the treatment of a person like a commodity, like someone that can be bought and sold.

When we sit in front of a television, or listen to a radio, and consume commercials, we are the product. The programming is designed to deliver us, the audience, to the advertiser, the consumer.

Should we therefore watch no commercial television? Listen to no commercial radio? That would be quite the charge. Instead, let us be conscious of what we consume and when, and whether we are the product or the consumer.

Self-consciousness leads to wisdom and transformation and away from our own states of slavery.

Religion - a path to responsibility

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, in the passage below, manages to sum up one of the essential reasons that I became a rabbi – to participate in the project of creating society that fosters personal and communal responsibility. In many ways, I find this passage the antidote to the problems outlined in today’s New York Times piece, The Go Nowhere Generation.

[Thanks to Rabbi Judy Schindler for getting me Rabbi Sacks’ book: The Ethics of Responsibility]


Here is the passage:

The first eleven chapters of Genesis are not a mere series of historical narratives. They are a highly structured exploration of responsibility. They begin with two stories about individuals, Adam and Eve, then Cain, followed by two stories about societies, the generation of the Flood and the builders of Babel. The first and last – the tree of knowledge, the tower – are about the failure to honour boundaries: between permitted and forbidden, heaven and earth. The inner two are about violence, individual then collective. They constitute a developmental psychology of the moral sense. First we discover personal responsibility, or freedom to choose. Then we acquire moral responsibility, the knowledge that choice has limits; not everything we can do, may we do. Later we learn collective responsibility: we are part of a family, a community and society and we have a share in its innocence or guilt. Later still, we realize that society itself is subject to higher law: there are moral limits to power.

            All of this is prelude to the appearance of Abraham, who does not emerge in a vacuum. His life is a culmination of all that has gone before. The first words of God – ‘Leave your land, your birthplace and your father’s house’ – are a call to personal responsibility. Abraham is commanded to relinquish everything that leads human beings to see their acts as not their own. The call to Abraham is a counter-commentary to the three great determinisms of the modern world. Karl Marx held that behaviour is determined by structures of power in society, among them the ownership of land. Therefore God said to Abraham, ‘Leave your land.’ Spinoza believed the human conduct is given by the instincts we acquire at birth (genetic determinism). Therefore God said, ‘Leave your place of birth.’ Freud held that we are shaped by early experiences in childhood. Therefore God said, ‘Leave your father’s house.’ Abraham is the refutation of determinism. There are structures of power, but we can stand outside them. There are genetic influences on our behavior, but we can master them. Abraham’s journey is as much psychological as geographical. Like the Israelites in Moses’ day, he is travelling to freedom.

            Abraham exercises moral responsibility by entering into battle, in Genesis 14, to rescue (not his brother, but his brother’s son) Lot. He is his brother’s keeper. He scales the heights of collective responsibility when he prays for the inhabitants of Sodom even though he knows, or suspects, that for the most part they are wicked. He reaches ontological responsibility in the trial of the binding of Isaac, by recognizing the primacy of the divine word over human emotion and aspiration. In each case Abraham responds, and in so doing points the way beyond the failures of previous generations.

            It is now clear why the biblical story does not begin with Abraham. Responsibility is not a given of the human situation. On the contrary, it is all too easy to deny it. It wasn’t my fault (Adam). I don’t see why I shouldn’t do what I wish, not what I ought (Cain). I am responsible for myself, not for others (Noah). We are answerable to no one but ourselves (Babel). The journey to responsibility is long, and there are many temptations to stop short of the final destination. But in the end, there is no real alternative if we are to live our full humanity. Adam loses paradise. Cain is condemned to wander. Noah declines into drunkenness. Babel is left un-built. Responsibility is the condition of our freedom, and we cannot abdicate it without losing much else besides.

            But the story does not end there…Why does it continue? If Abraham is a culmination, what more is there to say? The answer is that humanity is not comprised of individuals alone. We cannot live alone, nor can we create alone. We are social animals. That is why God’s covenant with Abraham must be succeeded by another and more extensive order. Only a nation can build a society, and only a society can bring the divine presence into the public square: its economy and politics, its shared life and collective history. Genesis is about individuals. In the first chapter of Exodus, we encounter for the first time in connection with Abraham’s children the word am, ‘a people’. The question to which the rest of the Pentateuch is an answer is: How does a people, a nation, acquire responsibility?

A Source of Professional Neurosis

Aid an enemy before you aid a friend, to subdue hatred. - Tosefta: Baba Metzia

In this perhaps we have a beautiful teaching that may be the source of much personal difficulty.

What happens when we reach out and place others higher on our priority list than those closest to us?

We cease to be able to maintain our relationships that maintain us as good participants in healthy society.

While a stranger, or an enemy, deserves our attention - both for the sake of healing the world, Tikkun Olam, a central Jewish value, and subduing hatred, as this quote advises - we must heed the wisdom of another Jewish teacher, Hillel. Hillel teaches that in order to save the world we must start with ourselves, our families, and our communities - we must start at the center if we are to succeed outwardly.

Reuse before we recycle

Everyone recycles used paper now - easy to do so with a recycling bin next to our desks. Let’s aim higher and reuse even before we recycle. We can take all those sheets of paper used on only one side, flip them over, and use the other side for scrap. Potential uses for non-confidential used single-sides: re-load them into single-sided printers, use them for art for kids, or, my current favorite, flip them and cut them into useful sizes for note paper - half “letter” size makes great paper to take phone messages on or make lists on!