Evolution and Religion - Use Them Both!

A great teaching from Rabbi Arthur Green's Radical Judaism: Rethinking God & Tradition (page 22):

The incredibly complex interplay of forces and the thick web of mutual dependency among beings are no less amazing than the distance traversed in this long evolutionary journey. The interrelationships between soil, plants, and insects, or those between climate, foliage, and animal life, all leave us breathless as we begin to contemplate them. It is these very intricacies and complexities that have led the religious fundamentalists to hold fast to the claim that there must be a greater intelligence behind it all, that such complexity can only reflect the planning of a supernatural Mind. But they miss the point of the religious moment here. Our task as religious persons is not to offer counter-scientific explanations for the origin of life. Our task is to notice, to pay attention to, the incredible wonder of it all, and to find God in that moment of paying attention.

Tiferet in Yesod - Day 38 of the Omer

Balanced harmony, Tiferet, in solid balanced foundation, Yesod - at the heart of every building project is the vision of the height it will reach.

When starting out with balance we must hold in our minds the plan for where we might end up, and aim for a higher balance as well. While good projects start with basic ideas, balanced ideas may lead to loftier achievements too.

The image for this: successful tall trees have deeply developed roots.

Hod in Hod - Happy 33rd of the Omer! (from yesterday)

Awesome grace, Hod, in itself - a day on which we recognize that even humility requires stepping back from pride - we aim for humility for its own sale not for any reward in reputation.

And today is LaG b'Omer - the 33rd day of the Omer counting, on which restrictions ease and celebrations take place.

The Omer Counting marks the time between Passover and Shavuot - two important agricultural holidays that also became two important theological holidays in the Jewish calendar.

On the agricultural front, we mark this time as when winter planted grain ripens on the stalk, and is thus vulnerable to being destroyed by heat waves. In an attempt to not disrupt this fragile natural balance, some Jews observe a minor mourning period for the first 33 days of the Omer - from the Second Night of Passover until May 10 this year - and refrain from trimming hair or shaving, as well as abstaining from celebrations. There are multiple traditions about when this period ends, either the 33rd day as the last day, or merely a respite before the true end of the period, on the holiday of Shavuot, or weeks, which is the 49th day of the Omer, 7 weeks after we began, when the grain harvest is in and we can make an offering.

On the theological aspect, these days mark the movement from Passover, when the Israelites were freed from slavery, to Shavuot, when we received the Torah on Mount Sinai - freedom leads to revelation. In that spirit, recognizing that we must prepare ourselves for revelation, the Kabbalaists used the 7 by 7 structure - 7 days of 7 weeks to incorporate the lower seven sefirot of the Tree of Life. This model lays out important pricniples, many of which are paired with their complementary ideas (Chesed, loving kindness, with Gevurah, rigor, for example), and others are their balanced resolutions (like Tiferet, balanced beauty, and Yesod, balanced foundation). Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah) identifies these principles as elements essential to living, thinking, and feeling in a way that leads to inspiration and creativity in appreciation of the gift of existence.

So for 16 more days I will continue to count and reflect - questions?

Tiferet in Hod - Day 31 of the Omer

Tiferet, balanced harmonious beauty, in Hod, awe-inspired humility - to appreciate one's smallness takes balance.

Looking up and out into the vastness of the universe may lead us to topple backwards, disturbing our moment of awe. Laying on our backs for the view may allow us to slip into slumber.

Noting our relationship to infinity and appreciating it takes presence, and presence requires balance.

Yesod in Netzach - Day 27 of the Omer

Yesod, a balanced foundation, in Netzach, the long view of ourselves - building for the long term requires a strong basis, thinking and feeling for the long term do too.

Relationships work out better when we look at ourselves as in them for tomorrow, and many tomorrows, as well. Evaluating our feelings and thoughts down to their foundations helps us towards that longer term view.

[From yesterday's Omer count]