Unit Zayin – “ז” – Contemporary Israel and Israeli Holidays
– 2 class sessions and a workshop (May-June 2016)
May 7, 2016 - 9:30 AM
Workshop by Doron Harel, TBE's Israel Expert - The Ancient Israelites of the Torah vs. the Free Nation of Israel Today
May 14, 2016 - 9:00 AM
Join the fun as we celebrate Rabbi Jonathan's Farewell Celebration Brunch
May 21, 2016 - 9:30 AM
Israeli Civic Holidays
What we do:
Yom Ha-Shoah, Yom Ha-Zikaron, Yom Ha-Atzma-ut
Holocaust Memorial Day, Israeli Memorial Day, and Israeli Independence Day
Donniel Hartman, The New High Holy Days of Israel
Strassfeld, A Book of Life, pp. 244-252 – The Omer
How we do it:
Journal assignment – please reflect on our two themes for the month:
Eating in a Jewish way, and Israel and Israeli Holidays.
June 4, 2016, 9:30 AM
Kashrut and the Beginnings of Israel
What we do and how we do it:
Eating in a Jewish way
Strassfeld, A Book of Life, pp. 66-93 (Eating and Food Who we are)
Israel’s 20th Century Beginnings
From The Jew in the Modern World, pp. 629-633
Please attend our community celebrations for:
Yom Ha-Zikaron and Yom Ha-Atzma-ut, Thursday, May 12, 6pm, Gorelick and Lerner Halls at the Shalom Park Foundation
Erev Shavuot - the evening of Shavuot - June 11
8:00 PM – Erev Shavuot Event - Worship, Desserts, and Discussion - BYO Dairy Dessert to share